"When North Carolina's Squirrel Nut Zippers scored an unlikely late '90s hit with "Hell" (from their Hot album), many cynics (and a few critics) thought the band was merely mocking the hot jazz stylings of the '20s and '30s. But having put a couple more albums and some trying times (the defection of singer-guitarist Tom Maxwell and passing of horn player Stacy Guess) under their belts, it's clear that musical affection was no mere passing affectation. The Zippers have honed both their chops and their courage here, with subtle new influences from the 20th-century American musical pantry (a dash of country, a pinch of Spanish guitar, more Crescent City bump) tastefully simmered into the stew. Katherine Whalen's vocal turns are as convincingly smoky as the lighthearted material is jokey--an inviting balance that's equally true to its historical sources. More than mere opportunistic swing revivalists, the restless curiosity displayed on this album argues that the Zippers are in it for the long haul."